Thursday, December 8, 2016

Identifying specific vulnerabilities in WordPress, by version

Exactly how vulnerable is your WordPress version? Ask the good folks over at the WordPress vulnerability database who have not only assembled a vulnerability list by version, but also provided a nice API for querying.

# WordPress 4.4.2 vulnerabilities, by type
$ curl -sS |\
  jq -r '.["4.4.2"]|.["vulnerabilities"]|.[].vuln_type' |\
  sort | uniq -c
      1 BYPASS
      1 CSRF
      1 LFI
      1 SSRF
      1 UNKNOWN
      5 XSS
Same thing, but list the titles and take a version as a parameter:
wpvulndb() {
    version=${1:?Check which WordPress version for vulnerabilities (eg 4.8.3)?}
    curl -sS "${version//./}" | \
      jq -r --arg version "$version" '.[$version]|.["vulnerabilities"]|.[].title'

wpvulndb 4.8.3


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